Commonly regarded as continent. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions.
Conpay – Stay At Home
Work At Home Train At Home Description: This is a print campaign from Conpay a…
Commonly regarded as continent. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions.
Work At Home Train At Home Description: This is a print campaign from Conpay a…
High Five Kiss Hug Punch Description: This print campaign of four ads from a…
Big Breakfast Hashbrown Hot Cakes Egg McMuffin Description: To reiterate t…
Description: Fence painting is undoubtedly a tedious and unending job once you g…
1 2 3 Description: A campaign of three print ads from ROBIN WOOD the natur…
Description: This is an ad for ICL's fertilizer that protects the foliage. The l…
Bed Sofa Party Holiday Description: During this global crisis make a wise cho…
Travel Car Guitar Description: This is a campaign of three print ads from Bank…
Tornado Tsunami Alien Description: An excellent campaign of three print ads …
Description: This ad from Calgary Farmers’ Market features Cityscape consisting …
Description: This is an ad from DIM Group to introduce their ready to live fully…
Street Beach Garbage Description: This is an awareness campaign from Sea You T…