Greenpeace – A Regular Weapon
12 3 4 5 Description: In Russia, deadly weapons are either illegal or t…
12 3 4 5 Description: In Russia, deadly weapons are either illegal or t…
Description: An integrated campaign initiated by Isobar Moscow and Greenp…
Cinderella The Three Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood Description: The p…
Mouse Tennis Music Description: Expectations generally differ from reality…
Employee Bride Driver Description: Mental state before, with a headache du…
Description: Don't let the piercing pain spread take Aspirin as soon as pain sta…
1 2 Description: This print campaign of two ads is to restore the brand’s patr…
Spider Grasshopper Scorpion Description: Engineered food doesn't just rela…
33 42 41 Description: Clever advertising! Hide your age. A blob of Olay on …