January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019
Elvis Presley Jimi Hendrix Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Michael Jackson Des…
January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019
Mosquito Bee Description: Earphone's wire is entangled to look like a mosquito…
Parasol Swimmers Boats Description: TresCuatroTres (Three four three) is a…
1 2 3 Description: 101 Head grew out of the full-body feeling of a great so…
Description: The banana is used to depict food as well as an erect penis to poi…
Description: The apple with nails embedded in it and more are pointed towards th…
Description: The land is ploughed to resemble an eye. The side already ploughed …
Penguin Whale Panda Description: Animals lack the speech required to shiel…
Apple Orange Avacado Description: Apple, orange and avacados are clicked i…
Description: Zebra crossing made to look like sound system button panel to prese…
Description: The goal of this ad is to make people realize they need a new vacat…
Lire Cinquemila Lire Diecimila Description: Lira was the Italian currency befo…