Global Climate Strike – Turn Things Around Now
Description: This ad is to raise awareness about climatic changes and how they c…
Description: This ad is to raise awareness about climatic changes and how they c…
Man Woman Description: Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on Ap…
Shirt Body Dress Description: Do not make your environment a fashion victim. D…
Mom-Daughter Coach-Boy Description: Data reveals that out of three children abus…
Description: An integrated campaign initiated by Isobar Moscow and Greenp…
Straw Bird Styrofoam Toad Bag Fish Description: The campaign is about a call t…
Ice-cream Candy Lollipop Description: This is an awareness print campaign of t…
Sphinx Manneken Pis Leaning Tower Description: This brilliant ad shows how cha…
Description: Minimal advertising by Greenpeace to save the burning Amazon forest…
Description: This ad encourages all of us to have an important conversation abou…
Another World Natural Hot Yummy Description: This print campaign of fou…
1 2 3 Description: To prevent mosquitoes bites people often end up hitting…