Stop Gendercide
200 Million Brothel Kill Her Vagina Red Light District 5th birthday …
200 Million Brothel Kill Her Vagina Red Light District 5th birthday …
Ben Sam Steward Anna Description: Surviving British World War II veter…
Description: In the state of Ceará, every year, thousands of women become vic…
1 2 3 Description: To create awareness about diabetes, Diabetes Federation …
Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla Description: A campaign from Diabetes Associat…
Heart Kidney Description: “Life could be a Gift”. Red ribbon gift wrapped in t…
Description: Hong Kong beaches are still trying to recover months after Typhoon …
Sand Soil Sea Description: TRASH HERO is a volunteer-led active movement t…
Lion Lion with his face painted standing next to a drum is indication that it has…
Penguin Whale Panda Description: Animals lack the speech required to shiel…
Description: Social responsibility advertisement to encourage you to stop sendin…
Woman Man Description: Potigás handles distribution of piped gas in the state …