Oxygo – Long Time, No See?
Description: A powerful way to convince people to get back into shape. A tummy c…
"Work hard in silence and let success make the noise" Disabled body, healthy mind, happiest soul and a small contributor to adaddictive.com. Is not from the advertising world but loves to watch and analyze advertisements.
Description: A powerful way to convince people to get back into shape. A tummy c…
Rome Egypt Description: Creativity At Its Best! This award winning ad campaign…
Dancer Singer Astronaut Description: “You are what you eat.” Quite literal…
1 2 3 4 5 Description: Infinity symbol refers to something without …
Razor Blade Nail Cutter Toothbrush Description: To make people aware of th…
India Bolivia Nigeria Description: Driving is hectic at some places in the…
Senate Card Game Bedroom Description: In this ad campaign, comparison with…
Smart SenseGrass stalks arranged to resemble WIFI sign shows that lawn work could be…
Tequila Beer Vodka Description: This Volkswagen campaign released in publi…
Owl Chameleon Snail Description: This is an extremely intelligent ad campa…
Description: A hedgehog with its famous spikes fits neatly between two goldfish …