Description: Íslandsbanki’s Reykjavík City Marathon is a once a year charity affair, where people can choose to run between 3 km and 42 km in support of a charity of their own choice. The fundraising is based on a simple system, where viewers can promise to contribute an amount of their choice in favor of their favorite runners or causes.

20 famous Icelandic actors teamed up to donate their time and raise money for a good cause through the Reykjavík City Marathon. What makes people run? Some people run for fitness, to feel good, look good or to show off on social media. But what makes actors run? They run towards adventure, away from explosions, elope for love etc. You better run — for a good cause!, says this ad.

Caption: You better run!

Advertising Agency: Brandenburg, Reykjavik, Iceland
Creative Director: Jon Ari Helgason
Art Director: Hogni Valur Hognason
Creatives: Gulli Adalsteinsson, Hrafn Gunnarsson
Copywriter: Bragi Valdimar Skulason
Illustrators: Jon Pall Halldorsson, Unnie Arendrup
Photographer: Marino Thorlacius
Directors: Sam, Gun
Production Company: Skot