Commonly regarded as continent. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions.
Best Man Couple Police Description: The thought balloons are Ceylor condom…
Commonly regarded as continent. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions.
Best Man Couple Police Description: The thought balloons are Ceylor condom…
Description: A baby to symbolize an opening is quite realistic. Baby inside tumm…
Turtle Frog Bear Description: Lolipop is Switzerland’s best-known chain of…
Guitar Bicycle Description: This ad from Novartis is to urge you take care of …
Nerves Heartbeats Impact Description: This ad introduces new Toyota Land C…
Shelter School Support Description: In this ad campaign, Port of Spain’s m…
1 2 3 Description: This ad campaign is for LG's hom-bot square robot vacuum…
Kaabong Description: This ad is for Airtel Money – sends money immediately. The D…
Viking Baseball Worker Description: This ad campaign is to promote graphit…
200 Million Brothel Kill Her Vagina Red Light District 5th birthday …
Facebook WhatsApp Instagram Description: This ad campaign was created for …