Description: Plastic waste gets discharged into the ocean in tonnes every year. Micro-plastic, which is found in cosmetics, forms a big part of this contamination damaging marine flora and fauna at large. This campaign from Surfrider Foundation is to bring awareness and further containment and prevention of ocean pollution. Campaign was released on Valentine’s day a day when a lot is spent on such bad cosmetics that takes away the natural beauty of the ocean.
Caption: The ocean is a natural beauty, stop the use of microplastics.
Advertising Agency: ici Barbès, Paris, France
Creative Director: Alexandre Drouillard
Creative Director: Pascal Duval
Artistic directors: Hugo Gallois, Timothée Bouquet, Loris Utard
Designers: Julia Rabar, Célia Legendre
Advertiser manager: Rémi Sico, Lucille Arbeille
Agency consultant: Louisa Mangione