Global Climate Strike – Turn Things Around Now
Description: This ad is to raise awareness about climatic changes and how they c…
Description: This ad is to raise awareness about climatic changes and how they c…
Man Woman Description: Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on Ap…
Shirt Body Dress Description: Do not make your environment a fashion victim. D…
Male Female Description: Sova is Sweden’s prime supplier of value beds. Many p…
Music Sneeze Bag Description: This campaign from Transperth - a public transpo…
Description: What is the best way to scare hard core non vegetarians? Well, serv…
Cornea Heart Kidney Liver Description: This is a sensitive campaign from Pad…
1 2 3 Description: Social Nuts as a digital marketing agency, wanted to de…
Kevin & Whitney Pierce Kevin Description: The prime airlines in Greece, Ae…
1 2 3 Description: This is a campaign from Luiss University to encourage p…
Description: Thanks to your Škoda Super Card the sole thing you need to brave wi…
90 MIN 98 KG 8 KM Description: This is a campaign for Biofenac a pain relief m…